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Professional Development Conferences

Michigan Conference on Introductory 历史 Courses

The American Historical Association and 365英国上市官网 are partnering to convene the inaugural Michigan Conference on Introductory 历史 Courses on Friday, 9月20日, 和周六, 9月21日, 2024, at 365英国上市官网. Participants can attend either or both days.

The Michigan Conference on Introductory 历史 Courses will be 免费参加. Eligible teachers may register to earn SCECHs (State Continuing Education Clock Hours) for participating in this event for $20. The separate registration for the SCECH credits is now available and can be accessed using the button below. The conference program will be available in August. To learn more about the conference, please check out the AHA's website, which can be accessed by clicking the button below. Please direct any questions to Rachel Wheatley at (电子邮件保护).

登记SCECHs 啊哈会议

Based on the premise that secondary and post-secondary educators have much to learn from one another, this conference will foster a community of practice focused on pedagogical strategies. This statewide conference will focus on issues, 挑战, and opportunities associated with the introductory US and world history courses that many students will encounter at several stages in their education, whether in middle and high schools, 社区学院, or four-year universities. Attendees will participate in workshops, network with colleagues from across the region, and hear from leading history educators, including Bob Bain and Anne Hyde. We invite educators at all levels to join us in discussing our shared interest in student success.


The Michigan Conference on Introductory 历史 Courses will be made possible thanks to the generous support from the following sponsors:

Food and Beverage Sponsor:

2023年8月9日: OU Teaching Race in America

College of 艺术与科学 建议

Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-4567


College of 艺术与科学

Varner Hall, Room 217
Rochester , MI 48309-4485
(248) 370-2140