

It is important to stay up to date on current guidelines and recommendations to keep you and others healthy and safe.  作为开放大学校园的医疗保健提供者, GHC follows the guidelines of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance for various Respiratory Illness and other Infectious/Communicable diseases.


March 6, 2024 - This information is in process of being updated.  

On March 1, 2024, the Centers for Disease control updated and simplified the guidelines for those who are ill with 呼吸系统疾病 such as COVID-19,流感“流感”和RSV. Please click here 阅读当前的指南.

Do your part to help reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses by staying home if you are sick. You can go back to your normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both:
       •你的症状正在好转 and       

当你恢复正常生活的时候, 在接下来的5天里采取额外的预防措施, such as taking additional steps for cleaner air and/or hygiene, masks, 物理距离, and/or testing when you will be around other people indoors.


Any individual who tests positive for COVID-19 and/or displays COVID-19 symptoms (without an alternate diagnosis or negative COVID-19 test) should isolate regardless of vaccination status:

  • Isolate at home for the first five days (starting with the day after symptoms began or day after test was taken for those without symptoms)
  • 如果症状有所改善或没有出现症状, 恢复正常活动, 同时戴上合适的口罩, 在接下来的五天里保护他人
  • 如果个人发烧, stay home until fever free for a period of 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications before returning to normal activities 同时戴上合适的口罩, 直到10天的期限结束


  • Isolate at home for 10 days if unwilling/unable to wear a mask


  • Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 should also notify others whom they had contact with during the time they were contagious (beginning two days before symptoms started or testing positive if no symptoms are present)
  • Prioritize notification of individuals who are personal/household contacts and immunocompromised or high-risk individuals
  • Individuals would then follow the below guidance on Quarantine


疾病预防控制中心COVID-1指南9 Isolation


The following instructions should be followed regardless of your immunization status.

If you are exposed to someone who is positive for COVID-19:

  • Wear a well-fitting mask as soon as you find out you were exposed (home quarantine is an alternative for those who are unable or unwilling to mask)
  • Start counting from Day 1 (Day 0 = the last day you were exposed to the person with COVID-19, 第一天是你最后一次曝光后的第一天。
  • Avoid unmasked activities or activities with higher risk of exposing vulnerable individuals for 10 days from the date of last exposure
  • Watch for symptoms 整整10天
  • 如果你出现症状 立即隔离并接受检测, 待在家里等结果出来. If you do a at home rapid test, and it is negative, repeat the test after 48 hours. 
  • If your test is positive, you must follow ISOLATION guidelines.  你的第0天就是你的症状开始的日子. 
  • If you do NOT develop symptoms, get tested no earlier than day 5 after exposure.  




葛培理健康中心 is no longer tracking cases or exposures per the 365英国上市官网 change in process communicated in Spring 2023.

If you wish to have your positive test recorded in your secure patient record with GHC, you may upload your result to your secure patient portal.  If you choose to do so, please note you will not receive any individualized instructions.  如果您选择上传结果, please be sure to submit your record as follows:  Type of test (rapid antigen or PCR), 收集测试的日期, and result.  You will also need to submit an image of your lab report or rapid test.  如果你的家庭测试呈阳性, 请写下你的名字, 以及测试的日期, 在测试卡带或卡上. 


It is expected that anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 follow Isolation Instructions as outlined on the CDC website (上文亦有提及).


  1. Follow your Advance Plan as identified when you moved into housing. 
  2. If you have questions, please talk to your Resident Advisor.
  3. In the event you need to leave your space or be around others, you must wear a mask at all times.
  4. 如果你正在经历医疗紧急情况, please call campus police at (248) 370-3331 for assistance getting an ambulance to the emergency department.
  5. If you are having thoughts of harming yourself or feeling suicidal, 请联系以下校园资源:
    • M-F 8AM-5PM - The 365英国上市官网 Counseling Center at 248-370-3465.
    • AFTER HOURS and if you are experiencing an emergency, please call OUPD at (248) 370-3331.
    • You may also contact one of the following OFF CAMPUS crisis hotline numbers:
      • 共同点1-800-231-1127
      • 自杀热线:1-800-SUICIDE (1800-784-2433)
      • 危机热线:1-800-273-TALK (8255)
      • 特雷弗生命线:1-866-488-7386


  • 不去参加面对面的课程, work, public events, 在公共场所(自助餐厅/美食广场)与他人一起用餐
  • DO NOT leave your room except to travel to your assigned restroom, 去取食物或接受医疗.
  • 不要有访客. Family and friends may not come to visit as this puts them and others at risk.
  • 如何照顾好自己:
    • 吃有规律、健康的食物
    • 保证至少8小时的睡眠
    • Stay hydrated
    • 想办法在房间里保持活跃. 考虑多种锻炼课程
    • 尽可能打开窗户,呼吸新鲜空气
    • 与朋友和家人虚拟连接
    • 不要使用酒精或娱乐性药物
    • 不吸烟,不吸电子烟
    • 监测你的症状
    • 每天监测你的体温和心率. If you have a way to check your oxygen saturation (xx%), please do so. 把这些信息记录下来
    • Use fever-reducing medicines as indicated by medical personnel


  • Health care:
  • Mental care:
    • 咨询中心资源
    • 共同点1-800-231-1127
    • 自杀热线:1-800-SUICIDE (1800-784-2433)
    • 危机热线:1-800-273-TALK (8255)
    • 特雷弗生命线:1-866-488-7386

  • Physical health:
    • The Rec Center 有在线活动的在线资源吗.

  • Academic support: 
    • Don’t forget to contact your professors and let them know that you will not be able to attend class.


(location map)
(248) 370-2341

You are encouraged to use the portal for refill requests (248) 370-2679

(If your question is time sensitive, please call the office.)

M-F: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
午餐时间12:30.m. - 1:30 p.m.