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Degree Evaluation



Beginning with the first semester, 你应该熟悉在线学位评估过程. 在课程注册之前运行您的在线学位评估,以审查任何未完成的学位要求并监控学术进展.

作为一名研究生,你必须遵守学位课程的要求 graduate catalog in effect at the time you are admitted to the graduate program.

学位评估是一个很有价值的建议工具,它使你的毕业之路更容易走下去, but it is not designed to replace meeting with your faculty adviser.

一旦您申请毕业,我们办公室将进行正式的学位评估. 毕业的最终批准是由你的部门和研究生院要求的. Any changes to your original, 批准的学习计划必须提交给研究生院,以便纳入在线学位评估系统. Additionally, you should make sure that an updated, 导师批准的学习计划在申请毕业之前在研究生院存档.

Academic advising

每个学生在进入研究生课程时都会被分配一名指导教师. 学院顾问在制定学习计划和选择符合项目课程的适当研究生课程方面提供帮助, 以及讨论毕业后的职业选择和替代方案.

作为一名研究生,你必须遵守学位课程的要求 graduate catalog in effect at the time you are admitted to the graduate program. You may choose to meet program requirements published in a later edition of the graduate catalog; however, 你必须满足目录中规定的所有课程要求. To change the catalog edition, you must submit the Degree Evaluation Adjustment form to update your online degree evaluation. If you are readmitted to a graduate program, 你必须遵守重新入学时研究生目录中公布的所有课程要求和政策.

Completed in consultation with your faculty program adviser, the Plan of Study details specific courses, 为了获得研究生学位,你必须完成退出选项和其他要求.

你应该在第一学期咨询你的指导老师, and no later than the end of the first year in your graduate program, to develop a written Plan of Study. The Plan of Study, approved by your graduate program adviser, 必须提交给研究生院,以便更新您的在线学位评估(WebCAPP).

An approved plan of study may be amended at any time. Until formal approval of an updated Plan of Study is made, 您原来或目前对计划的修改将继续有效. 你有责任与你的指导老师持续会面,并保持你的学习计划的更新, as needed.

Student instructions


To generate a degree evaluation for your current graduate program

  1. Click the SAIL link from inside the student portal
  2. Click Student Services
  3. Click Student Records
  4. Click Degree Evaluation
  5. Select the current Term and click Submit
  6. Your current curriculum information will appear; if the information is not correct, please submit the Degree Evaluation Adjustment form
  7. Click on Generate New Evaluation
  8. 选择您的节目(点击节目描述左侧的单选按钮)
  9. Select your expected graduation Term and click Generate Request
  10. You are now at the Degree Evaluation Report screen

To generate a What-If Analysis for a different graduate program

  1. Click the SAIL link from inside the student portal
  2. Click Student Services
  3. Click Student Records
  4. Click Degree Evaluation
  5. Select the current Term and click Submit
  6. Click What-If Analysis
  7. Select the Term in which you were/will be admitted to the program; students looking to transfer programs should use the current catalog
  8. Select the Program you wish to review and click Continue
  9. Select your Major (ignore the campus option)
  10. 单击“添加更多”来添加一个浓度(仅限选定的程序),或单击“提交”
  11. Select your expected graduation Term and click Generate Request
  12. You are now at the Degree Evaluation Report screen

If you have questions regarding a degree evaluation, check the FAQ page in SAIL.

Adviser instructions
  1. Go to SAIL
  2. Click Login to Secure Area
  3. Enter your user ID and password, then click Login
  4. Click Faculty Services
  5. Click Adviser Menu
  6. Click Degree Evaluation
  7. Select the current Term and click Submit
  8. Enter the advisee’s Grizzly ID, or search by name, then click Submit
  9. Verify you have the correct student, then click Submit
  10. Click on Generate New Evaluation
  11. 选择学员的课程(点击课程描述左侧的单选按钮)
  12. 选择被推荐人的预期毕业期限,并单击“生成请求”
  13. You are now at the Degree Evaluation Report screen

If you have questions regarding a degree evaluation, check the FAQ page in SAIL.

Glossary of terms
  • Area
    • 领域是学位评估系统中项目的基石. They represent each major component of a degree program. 
  • CAPP
    • Acronym for the Curriculum, 建议和程序规划软件用于生成您的学位评估.
  • Catalog term
    • 确定在生成学位评估时使用哪些目录需求.
  • Curriculum
    • 365英国上市官网提供的课程构成了课程.
  • Entry term
    • The degree requirements will be evaluated against the "Entry Term.“入学期限是指你被研究生项目录取的期限.
  • Evaluation process
    • The process by which you check your progress toward a degree. When you run the evaluation process in SAIL, 学位评估将根据研究生目录中的要求检查课程作业,并生成报告. 报告详细说明了你是否已经完成了该项目的学位要求.
  • Evaluation term
    • Term in which the degree evaluation is generated.
  • Exception
    • An exception reflects any changes, such as waivers or substitutions, 由指导老师批准申请到你的研究生项目.
  • Expected graduation date
    • 这个日期是自动生成的,可能并不总是反映实际的预期毕业日期. 如果你进行“假设”学位评估,预计毕业日期将是空白的.
  • In-Progress 
    • 您已注册的课程尚未评分并进入学术历史. 学位评估报告假设你将满意地完成你目前注册的课程,并且这些课程没有重复或超过学位要求所允许的最大限度.
  • Met
    • 指示已满足项目、组或区域的要求.
  • Not met
    • 指示未满足某个项目、组或区域的要求.
  • Overall GPA
    • Current grade point average for all courses taken at the graduate level at Oakland University; transfer courses are not included in the overall GPA.
  • Source
    • Indicates whether a requirement was satisfied by an OU course, transfer course, or waiver/substitution.
  • Used
    • 表示用于学位评估的学分/课程数. This includes in progress courses.
  • Unused
    • 表示不用于学位评估的学分/课程数. Generally contains courses with the grades of P or I.
  • WebCAPP
    • CAPP的在线版本,允许您和顾问查看过去的合规情况, run a new compliance on current data, or run a "what if" scenario.
  • What-If analysis
    • 学位评估选项,用于探索完成的课程如何满足另一个研究生课程的要求.

Graduate School

O'Dowd Hall, Room 520
586 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-2700

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.