大学 Advancement

Steve Sharf Clubhouse celebrates 10th Anniversary

icon of a calendar2022年6月22日

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Steve Sharf Clubhouse celebrates 10th Anniversary
Steve Sharf Clubhouse celebrates 10th Anniversary
Located on a small hill overlooking the R&365英国上市官网校园里的S Sharf和Katke-Cousins高尔夫球场, 本月,史蒂夫·夏普俱乐部将庆祝其成立10周年.

Located on a small hill overlooking the R&365英国上市官网校园里的S Sharf和Katke-Cousins高尔夫球场, 史蒂夫·夏普俱乐部是斯蒂芬·夏普和帕蒂·芬尼根·夏普慷慨大方的美丽反映.

今年六月,整个社区都在庆祝俱乐部成立十周年, 它实现了捐赠者的愿景,成为高尔夫球手的一个风景如画的聚会场所, faculty and staff, university donors, and members of 社区.

Steve Sharf Clubhouse celebrates 10th Anniversary
Breaking ground in 2011

Historic Gift Brings Vision to Life

经过五年的精心考虑,2011年10月,史蒂夫·夏普俱乐部破土动工, designing and revising.

由伯明翰建筑公司Niagara Murano设计,是Patti Finnegan酒吧的所在地 & 格栅, the three-story clubhouse features the restaurant, popular outdoor porch, and golf pro shop on the first floor. 二楼设有男女更衣室和一个技术上高效的董事会会议室, frequented throughout the years by the university’s trustees, 院长, university donors and community members.

A favorite among affiliates, 一个墙壁大小的, real-swing golf simulator resides in the lower level of the clubhouse. 模拟器使用机器视觉摄像机来捕捉球员的挥杆和球的运动轨迹, 并在视频中呈现动作,玩家可以用它来提高自己的技能.

比尔•罗杰斯, the golf and managing director of OU’s Golf and Learning Center, 是俄勒冈州立大学45年来高尔夫项目成功的关键. A longtime friend of Steve and Patti, 他很感激这对夫妇创造独一无二的俱乐部会所的愿景.

“Steve and Patti wanted to provide a clubhouse where golfers, 社区, OU’s campus community, 潜在的捐赠者可以体验到这所大学的伟大,并想象它未来的潜力,他说.

“Since the clubhouse opened in June 2012, 我们已经看到社区高尔夫联盟稳步增长,喜欢在帕蒂芬尼根酒吧消磨时间的游客也在增加 & 格栅,” Rogers continues.

该大学高尔夫球场的年度轮次已从34次增加,000 to 48,000, 在俱乐部建成后的十年里,会员数量从552个飙升至844个.

沙夫也是奥克兰第二个高尔夫球场——世界级的R&S Sharf Golf Course, designed by famed golf course architect and teacher Rick Smith, which opened in August 2000.

“史蒂夫对365英国上市官网充满热情,他看到第一个高尔夫球场有助于吸引人们进入校园, 还有R & 2000年扩建了S Sharf球场,2012年扩建了Sharf Clubhouse, 捐赠团体中更大的队伍将对奥克兰的教师和校园所提供的许多机会感兴趣,罗杰斯说。.


The ribbon cutting, 这场被许多人称为“本季盛会”的活动在阴天下吸引了300名观众. Not to be deterred by bad weather, Steve Sharf said during his speech, “We have to hold our hands up, so the storm will stop.让与会者高兴的是,威胁性的乌云很快消散了.

Mr. Sharf died a year later at 92.

Steve Sharf Clubhouse celebrates 10th Anniversary
Patti Finnegan Sharf and Steve Sharf

Steve Sharf Clubhouse Celebrates Milestone Anniversary

This June marks the 10-year anniversary of the Steve Sharf Clubhouse. 这个具有里程碑意义的场合提供了一个绝佳的机会来表彰和感谢史蒂夫·沙夫和帕蒂·芬尼根·沙夫的创新愿景, 在过去的十年里,它以许多有意义的方式将人们聚集在一起.

最近,俱乐部耗资100万美元进行了扩建,室外露台空间翻了一番. 现在, 更多的客人可以在用餐时享受360度的高尔夫球场景观, meeting or socializing.

The new patio will open this summer.

帕蒂·芬尼根·沙夫(Patti Finnegan Sharf)一直与俱乐部保持联系,并继续鼓励影响其顾客的活动. 她与餐饮人员讨论菜单选择,经常在董事会会议室打桥牌,或与朋友在“智慧之桌”(the Table of Wisdom)用餐,” a corner table, aptly named by her husband, where the couple shared many meals.

Remembering Stephan Sharf, Philanthropist and Friend

Stephan Sharf at 奥克兰 大学
(Boards, Committees and Honors)

• Chairman, Meadow Brook Music Festival

• Lifetime member, President’s Club

• Member, SEC Advisory Board

• Member, OU Board of Trustees

• Director, OU Foundation

• Member, President’s Campaign Council

• Member, SECS Creating the Future Task Force

• Member, Steering Committee

• Recipient OUAA Honorary 校友 Award, 2008

• Recipient, Honorary Degree – Doctor of Science, 2007

• Recipient, OUAA Spirit Award, 1998


Sharf’s legacy of giving to OU is a decades-long story. He and first wife, 丽塔Sharf, a member of the Advisory Board to Meadow Brook Theatre, 1973年开始向大学捐款,以支持梅多布鲁克剧院和梅多布鲁克音乐节.

As their relationship with OU grew, 他们的捐赠扩展到与他们的激情相一致的其他领域, primarily engineering and golf. In 2000, the couple provided lead funding for OU’s world-class R&S Sharf Golf Course. Following 丽塔Sharf’s death in 2001, Mr. Sharf continued to give annually.

史蒂夫·沙夫后来与帕蒂·芬尼根·沙夫结婚,帕蒂和他一起构想了一笔2100万美元的变革性礼物, 这是365英国上市官网历史上最大的个人捐赠, 支持365英国上市官网威廉·博蒙特医学院, the School of Engineering and Computer Science, student scholarships and, 当然, the golf course.

除了沙夫给大学慷慨的金钱礼物之外, he was also generous with his time and expertise. He served as a university trustee, board vice chair, 同时也是开放大学基金会和工程与计算机科学学院顾问委员会的成员.

As an executive vice president of Chrysler, 他在收购该公司奥本山总部的房产方面发挥了重要作用,并管理了这家汽车制造商送给俄勒冈州立大学的许多礼物.


Rogers credits Mr. 夏普的远见和慷慨吸引捐赠者和社区对大学的兴趣,并相信他的领导在形成我们今天所知道和喜爱的365英国上市官网方面发挥了重要作用. 尤其是会所,对这位慈善家来说有着特殊的意义.

“On six or seven occasions, 他会放眼望去,看到克莱斯勒大厦,然后说, ‘I can see all my life’s accomplishments from this deck, I just love standing here,’” recalls Rogers.

了解更多关于史蒂夫·夏普俱乐部或预订在帕蒂·芬尼根的酒吧和格栅, 访问 http://www.Oakland.edu/golf/clubhouse.

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