




365英国上市官网 will present five individuals with honorary degrees in recognition of outstanding achievements in their respective fields during the university’s spring 2024 commencement ceremonies.

布鲁斯·米勒 获颁荣誉法学博士学位.

布鲁斯, 以及他的律师事务所米勒·科恩, PLC), 曾作为积极分子与劳工和民权运动站在一起吗, 几十年的顾问和律师. 米勒, 谁还年轻96岁, has been successful in establishing the right of retired workers to draw workers compensation benefits. He represented employees in a case against the Ex-Cell-O company that took 12 years to litigate and resulted in awards to the plaintiffs in excess of $3 million. 他在仲裁案中赢得了1400万美元的赔偿.

他还赢得了其他数百万美元的官司. He has been involved in litigation throughout the country on behalf of unions and worker rights. He has been listed in Best Lawyers in the United States and is a Fellow of the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers. He has been honored by either serving or having served as General Counsel of the Metro AFL-CIO, 密歇根州劳联-产联, 工党名人堂, 的一个. 菲利普·伦道夫研究所, the Sam Fishman Memorial Scholarship Fund and sat on the Lawyers Advisory Panel to the AFL-CIO.

作为全国有色人种协进会底特律分会的律师为民权而战, 他成功地保护公民免受警察的虐待, caused the first agreement for goals and timetables at First Federal Savings and Loan Association resulting in the first integration of the downtown banking community, outlawed the notorious Poindexter Homeowner’s Ordinance which was designed to segregate the City of Detroit and won many other fights and victories in the struggle for civil rights.

与劳工和民权团体站在一起, 布鲁斯在密歇根州民主党担任过许多职位:选区代表, 司库13th Congressional District; chairman, Wayne County Democratic Committee; officer at large of the 密歇根州igan Democratic Party and member of the Rules Committee at National Democratic Conventions.

他曾撰写法律评论文章, written a pro-labor column at the Detroit News until the strike and lectured on matters near and dear to the labor and civil rights community.

布鲁斯将在下午2点被授予荣誉.m. 仪式将于4月27日星期六举行.


诺拉·查帕·门多萨 获颁荣誉文学博士学位.

诺拉的艺术作品非常多样化,主要涉及西班牙和印第安事务, 移民, 和女人. 她美丽的摘要说明了一切! 诺拉于1932年出生在德克萨斯州的韦斯莱科,是第一代墨西哥人. 她的职业生涯在底特律开始并确立.

一位国际上受人尊敬的优秀艺术家, 诺拉一生致力于艺术,表达和促进人权. 她的劳动的社会和政治主题, 革命, 和自由源于墨西哥的传统和20世纪90年代的经历th 在底特律市区工作的世纪西班牙裔艺术家. Her series on the plight of migrant farm workers and their struggle for equality are featured in many 出版物.

诺拉作为画廊老板开始了长达50年的职业生涯,展示她自己的作品, 以及推广和支持其他拉丁裔艺术家. 在20世纪80年代初,她被任命为新底特律艺术委员会的副主席. She was a cofounder of Nuestras Artes en 密歇根州igan and a founding member of the 密歇根州igan Hispanic/Cultural Art Association, 也是底特律西南部拉丁裔核心小组的成员. In 1999, 她是密歇根拉丁裔艺术和文化倡议的联络人, Casa de Unidad的合作项目, 密歇根艺术委员会, 以及密歇根州教育部. 诺拉为今天的西班牙艺术铺平了道路!

诺拉的作品被许多重要的私人、公司和档案收藏. She was commissioned by Cesar Chavez to do a series of paintings to support his Children of the Fields program. 诺拉的档案在史密森尼博物馆,她的赞助人包括福特基金会, 通用汽车(General Motors), 底特律爱迪生, 蓝十字蓝盾和哥伦比亚广播公司等等. 诺拉还被选为2024年克雷斯基杰出艺术家. This prestigious annual award recognizes the extraordinary lifetime achievements and contributions of one metro Detroit artist.

诺拉深深卷入了, 并支持许多西班牙裔和美洲原住民团体, 她的作品中描绘了许多问题. She has exhibited nationally and internationally in solo and group exhibitions including a presentation, 她将于2019年9月在365英国上市官网举办研讨会和大型展览. 她还多次接受电视和电台采访.

诺拉精通各种灵媒. 她的画从很小的作品到很大的作品都有, 她使用各种各样的材料, 主要是油和丙烯酸, 同时也是各种各样的混合媒体.

几十年来,诺拉与许多学生分享了她的天赋, doing workshops and presentations for many underprivileged students throughout 密歇根州igan and internationally. “I believe each and every one of us is given a gift to develop to our highest potential,” she said. “这不是一份需要保存的礼物,而是一份需要回报的礼物! 我希望能给我们的孩子、孩子的孩子和后代留下一份遗产.”

诺拉将在9点被授予荣誉.m. 仪式将于4月27日星期六举行.


卡米尔杰恩 获颁商业荣誉博士学位.

卡米尔 has been a successful turnaround CEO of six companies over the past 22 years and is one of the few businesswomen who has been chairman and CEO of a U.S. 上市公司. 她曾担任四家上市公司的董事, 三家私人公司和八家非营利性公司.

卡米尔以推动战略方向而闻名, operational restructuring and creative product development to quickly deliver top and bottom-line growth. 不管是什么行业, 她承诺“用令人难以置信的结果震惊你”,“指导员工成为持续成功的领导者,这样她就可以继续前进。.

获得文学学士学位, 以优异的成绩, 斯坦福大学医学预科和平面设计双学位, 随后,她在斯坦福大学获得了设计硕士学位. 渴望战略投入, 卡米尔 obtained an MBA from the 密歇根大学 in marketing and new product development — a pivotal turning point in her career trajectory and happiness.

卡米尔 developed her new product acumen at The Pillsbury Company; and continued on at Procter and Gamble’s Vidal Sassoon division, 将新的护发产品推向第一市场份额.

以转型成功而闻名, 卡米尔被美国商业银行聘为负债部副总裁, 停滞在70亿美元. 她和她的团队没有让人失望, introducing new offerings including the first full-service banks (ComeriMarts) in supermarkets.

在有线电视巨头电信公司担任数字电视高级副总裁. 卡米尔, 与首席执行官兼媒体梦想家约翰·马龙合作, 率先推出了第一个数字电视服务, 获得国际认可. 作为通用电子公司的董事长兼首席执行官. 她重建了UEI,使其盈利并成为华尔街的一块瑰宝, 股价从5美元涨到50美元, 收入从8000万美元增加到3亿美元, 并在三年内成为全球领导者. 作为Bitcentral公司的首席执行官., 她领导着无利可图的人, 价值数百万美元的数字电视新闻软件公司的市场份额, 收入增加100%, EBITDA在24个月内增长1200%.

成立杰恩咨询集团后, 为了回馈社会,卡米尔成了全国女企业主协会的主席, 奥兰治县的发展, 加州. chapter from smallest to largest by securing women owned organizations as a vital market segment. 她在加州奥兰治县创办了501(c)(3)女性商业研究所. 以及密歇根州的奥克兰县.; and taught her monthly “Bulletproof Your Success” lecture series to professionals in 加州ornia and 密歇根州igan, 捐出全部300美元,000英镑的收益将捐给慈善机构.

重视教育, 卡米尔在她的母校设立了詹奖学金基金, 女王/ Kingswood, 为一个前途无量的9-12年级女孩支付大部分费用. 杰恩365英国上市官网已经去了哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、哥伦比亚大学、南加州大学和俄亥俄卫斯理大学.

荣誉包括被认可为加州奥兰治县十大最有权势人物之一.; Women in Business Award for S. 加州; the United States National SBA Women in Business Champion; and a Tribute by Rep. David Trott on the floor of the United States House of Representatives praising her CEO work for returning The Community House nonprofit (Birmingham, 密歇根州.)到财务健康.

She has been a visiting professor in MBA programs at the 密歇根大学; UC Irvine; and 365英国上市官网. 她和丈夫布拉德·杰恩居住在加州.

卡米尔将在下午两点出席.m. 仪式将于4月26日星期五举行.


埃里克·海明威进行 获颁荣誉文学博士学位.

埃里克是来自密歇根州克罗斯村的阿尼什纳布/奥达瓦人. 埃里克是遣返的负责人, 奥达瓦印第安人的小特拉弗斯湾部落的档案和记录. 埃里克负责管理, 收集和保存部落的历史文件和资料. 这些材料用于支持LTBB政府职能和其公民. Eric works on numerous educational initiatives that include but are not limited to: museum exhibits, 媒体, 课程开发, 出版物, 历史解读, 标志, Web内容和演示文稿.

在展览和项目上的合作包括国家公园管理局, 密歇根州, 麦基诺州立历史公园, 埃米特县, 维也纳世界博物馆, 奥地利和港泉历史博物馆, 还有其他博物馆. 教育合作伙伴包括:港泉公立学校, Charlevoix公立学校, 西密歇根大学, 阿默斯特学院, 布朗大学, 纽伯利图书馆, 密歇根大学, 密歇根州立大学, 哈佛大学, 耶鲁和阿奎那学院. Eric also has extensive work experience under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, working on over 30 successful repatriation claims and authoring a manual on performing repatriation work.

他目前是密歇根历史委员会的董事会成员, 中密歇根大学克拉克图书馆, 密歇根历史学会, 国王住宅协会和小特拉弗斯保护区. 埃里克是密歇根州人文委员会的前董事会成员, 埃米特县历史委员会, 全国NAGRPA审查委员会, Harbor Springs Historical Museum and the 密歇根州igan Commission on the Commemoration of the Bicentennial of the War of 1812. 他是2010年大急流城公共博物馆凯西奖的获得者, Harbor Springs Chamber of Commerce Community Service Award 2015 and 密歇根州igan Humanities Council Humanities Champion of the Year 2019.

工作之余,埃里克与家人和朋友共度时光. 家里有两只狗,萨摩耶犬萨米和斗牛犬普里姆. 埃里克在美丽的北密歇根也花了很多时间在户外, 探索轨迹, 两条途径, 海滩和任何人迹罕至的地方. Good food and conversations are appreciated, as well as meeting new people and seeing new places. Eric would like to acknowledge all the people and experiences that have helped him along his path, 在祖先的土地上也是阿尼什拿伯.

埃里克将在下午2点被授予荣誉.m. 仪式将于4月27日星期六举行.

Honorary degrees are awarded by OU’s Board of Trustees in recognition of distinguished accomplishment and service within the scope of the arts and letters, 科学, 大学认可及支持的专业及公共服务. 荣誉学位的授予再次肯定了365英国上市官网的学术地位, 创造性和人道主义价值观, 并将大学与整个社区联系起来.
