

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843

A photo overlooking the city of 魁北克 and a coastline.


This 365英国上市官网 faculty-led program in the cities of Montréal and Québec is an immersive experience in the culture, tradition 和 international sophistication of the French-speaking province of Québec. Students will have an unforgettable educational experience that can be applied to a wide variety of majors and interests.

课程: HC 2050:镜子进入蒙特利尔和魁北克(4学分)

旅行日期:2024年5月12日- 19日

申请截止日期:  March 1 (Apply by February 1 for best consideration for scholarships)

Roberta Michel, Special Lecturer, 荣誉学院 and School of 工商管理



将向学生介绍历史, geography and local culture of the Canadian province of Québec province through visits to various sites of interest. 通过引导体验, they will learn about modern French-Canadian culture while gaining an appreciation for the art, 体系结构, music and cuisine of Montréal and Québec 和 surrounding region.

学生们将从底特律飞往蒙特利尔. The first day will be exploring the historic heart of the city, 旧montrsamal (vieux - montrsamal), 有迷人的鹅卵石街道, 历史悠久的建筑和充满活力的街头艺术场景. 晚上的巴黎圣母院很美. Montréal, the largest city in the province of Québec, is a dynamic and culturally rich metropolis. 它拥有独特的文化融合, 食物, festivals and diverse experiences that makes it a fantastic destination for students seeking a vibrant urban experience with a European twist (but not the long plane ride!).

蒙特里萨是加拿大最多样化的城市之一, 使它成为文化和语言的大熔炉. 这种多样性反映在它的烹饪上, 节日和社区, 营造充满活力和包容的氛围. 它也以其烹饪产品而闻名, from the famous Montréal-style bagels and smoked meat sandwiches to a thriving 食物 scene that includes diverse international cuisines. Students will have opportunities to explore local markets, go on a street art and mural tour and potential see other cultural highlights such as the 蒙特利尔美术博物馆蒙特利尔当代艺术博物馆. It will be hard to miss the 体系结构 from historic to innovative such as the Montréal Biosphere. Mount Royal Park, designed by Frederick Law Olmstead, offers panoramic views of the city. A stop in the Underground City (La Ville Souterraine), 庞大的商店和精品店网络, and popular shopping streets like Sainte-Catherine and Saint-Laurent is a must do as well as a chance to experience a guided jazz tour. After immersion into the lively and robust city experience of Montréal, students will travel by train to Québec City where the rest of the journey will be spent.

徒步游览老quacimbec (A 联合国教科文组织世界遗产) will acclimatize students to what was and what is now: Old Québec City is one of the most picturesque and well-preserved historic districts in North America. Its charming streets, fortifications and historic 体系结构 will transport students back in time. 魁北克 is the best place in North America to experience French culture, language and traditions. Experiences in this beautiful place will both be self-explored as well as guided so students can see the 国立美术学院; attend a cooking class and learn how to make a local dish; go to circus school (太阳马戏团 was started here); visit a Sugar Shack; and tour Wendake First Nations' reserve and traditional village. From Québec students will fly back to Detroit after a deeply immersive and life enhancing experience.


要求: Students must be enrolled in 365英国上市官网’s 荣誉学院.

课程: HC 2050:镜子进入蒙特利尔和魁北克(4学分)

通过研究故事, 历史, 蒙塔姆和魁塔姆的文物和电影, students will explore the events and role that English and French-Canadian identity plays as a narrator into people’s lives. 在课程的一部分, lectures and readings will provide the backdrop that will enable the students to understand and analyze the cultural, 社会人口统计学, 以及蒙氏和曲氏的政治发展. 这门课的另一部分, 大约7天, is designed to provide a vivid travel experience that immerses the students in the culture of Montréal and Québec and encourages analysis of the province’s unique development. A journal and daily explorations as well as a term-based project will guide this understanding and analysis.

This course is taught on-site May 7- June 18 on the campus of 365英国上市官网 (Tuesday and Thursday evenings 5:30-8:50 pm), 前往青海的旅行将于5月12日至19日进行.  Lectures and guide will be in English with opportunities to speak French (knowledge of French is not a requirement of the course).

这门课程的旅行部分是可选的. Students who take the course but elect not to travel will complete additional coursework.


Students will stay at a well-appointed hotel in the heart of Montréal for two nights 和n in a comfortable dormitory at Université Laval in Québec City for the remainder of the trip (five nights). 学生将住在双人间.  

七顿早餐和六顿 other meals at local restaurants will be provided in the program cost. 学生也会有机会 to try (on their own) more local and unique culinary dishes such as poutine, 酥皮馅饼, 或法裔加拿大人crêpes.


You will be charged for these credits on your eBill at your normal rate of tuition.

To be paid to OU on our MarketPlace payment system and includes: housing and some meals, 在曲海的交通和所有短途旅行, 还有健康保险.

You will need additional funds for these expenses not covered by program fee. 数额是估计的.


奖学金和经济援助: You are able to use financial aid to cover your full cost of attendance to this program (tuition, 项目费用及额外费用). Scholarships are also available through your study abroad application.