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FY2023 透明度报告



A public university is required to update this website within 30 days after its governing board adopts its 年度经营预算 for the next academic year, or after the governing board adopts a subsequent re愿景 to that budget. 的 following 365英国上市官网 information is provided in compliance with the act.

  • 1. Michigan Public Act 144 of 2022 requires each public university to maintain a public transparency website available through a link on its website homepage.

  • 2. 的 website required by the act shall include all of the following concerning the public university:
    • 年度经营预算 和 subsequent budget re愿景s
    • A summary of current expenditures for the most recent fiscal year for which they are available, expressed as pie charts in the following 2 categories:
      1. A chart of personnel expenditures, broken into the following subcategories:
        1. 收入和工资.
        2. 员工福利成本, 包括, 但不限于, 医疗, 牙科, 愿景, 生活, 残疾, 以及长期护理福利.
        3. 退休福利成本.
        4. 所有其他人事费用.
      2. A chart of all current expenditures the public university reported as part of its higher education institutional data inventory data under section 241(2), broken into the same subcategories in which it reported those data.
    • Links to all of the following for the public university:
      1. 的 current collective bargaining agreement for each bargaining unit.
      2. Each health care benefits plan, 包括, 但不限于, 医疗, 牙科, 愿景, 残疾, 长期护理, or any other type of benefits that would constitute health care services, offered to any bargaining unit or employee of the public university.
      3. Audits 和 financial reports for the most recent fiscal year for which they are available.
      4. 校园安全政策犯罪统计数据 pursuant to the student right-to-know 和 campus security act, 公法101-542, 104年统计. 2381. Information shall include all material prepared pursuant to the public information reporting requirements under the crime awareness 和 campus security act of 1990, title II of the student right to know 和 campus security act, 公法101-542, 104年统计. 2381.
    • A 所有职位列表 funded partially or wholly through institutional general fund revenue that includes the position title 和 annual salary or wage amount for each position.
    • General fund revenue 和 expenditure projections for the current fiscal year 和 the next fiscal year.
    • 的清单 all debt service obligations, 按项目分列, anticipated fiscal year payment for each project, 和 total outst和ing debt for the current fiscal year.
    • 的 institution’s policy regarding the transferability of core college courses between community colleges 和 the university.
      • 365英国上市官网 participates in the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) 和 Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars 和 Admissions Officers (MACRAO) Articulation Agreement. Both agreements allow students to satisfy the university’s general education requirements at a Michigan community college except as noted below.
      • After transferring to 365英国上市官网, students must complete a writing intensive course in the major 和 a capstone course. Students who have satisfied the MTA or MACRAO agreement must also either transfer in a course that is acceptable for the knowledge application (KA) requirement or take an approved KA course at OU after transferring. Under the MTA 和 MACRAO agreements, students from participating Michigan public community colleges must present for review a transcript bearing the “MTA Satisfied” or “MACRAO Agreement Satisfied” designation.
    • 的清单 all community colleges that have entered into reverse transfer agreements with the university.
      • 阿尔佩纳社区学院
      • 湾大学
      • 三角洲地区的大学
      • Glen Oaks Community College
      • Gogebic社区学院
      • Gr和 Rapids Community College
      • 亨利福特学院
      • 杰克逊的大学
      • Kalamazoo Valley Community College
      • 凯洛格社区学院
      • 科特兰社区学院
      • 密歇根湖学院
      • 兰辛社区学院
      • 麦库姆社区学院
      • Mid-Michigan大学
      • Monroe County Community College
      • 蒙特卡姆社区学院
      • 莫特社区学院
      • Northwestern Michigan College
      • North Central Michigan College
      • 奥克兰社区学院
      • Schoolcraft大学
      • Southwestern Michigan College
      • St. Clair County Community College
      • Washtenaw Community College
      • Wayne County Community College
      • West Shore Community College
  • 3. On the website required under subsection (1), a public university shall provide a 仪表板或成绩单 demonstrating the university’s performance in several “best practice” measures.

    的 仪表板或成绩单 shall include at least all of the following for the 3 most recent academic years for which the data are available:
    1. 招生.
    2. 学生保留率.
    3. 六年毕业率.
    4. Number of Pell grant recipients 和 graduating Pell grant recipients.
    5. Geographic origination of students, categorized as in-state, out-of-state, 和 international.
    6. 教师 to student ratios 和 total university employee to student ratios.
    7. Teaching load by faculty classification.
    8. 毕业 outcome rates, 包括 employment 和 continuing education.
  • 4. For statewide consistency 和 public visibility, public universities must use the icon badge provided by the department of technology, 管理, 和 budget consistent with the icon badge developed by the department of education for K-12 school districts.

    它必须出现在 front of each public university’s homepage. 的 size of the icon may be reduced to 150 x 150 pixels. 的 font size 和 style for this reporting must be consistent with other documents on each university’s website.
  • 5. 的 state budget director shall determine whether a public university has complied with this section. 的 state budget director may withhold a public university's monthly installments described in section 241 until the public university complies with this section..
  • 6. By November 1 of each year, a public university shall report 以下信息 to the Center for Educational Performance 和 Information 和 post the information on its website under the budget transparency icon badge:
    1. Opportunities for earning college credit through the following programs:
      1. State approved career 和 technical education or a tech prep articulated program of study.
      2. Direct college credit or concurrent enrollment.
      3. 双录取.
      4. An early college/middle college program.
    2. For each program described in subdi愿景 (a) that the public university offers, all of 以下信息:
      1. 的 number of high school students participating in the program.
      2. 的 number of school districts that participate in the program with the public university.
      3. Whether a university professor, qualified local school district employee, or other individual teaches the course or courses in the program.
      4. 的 total cost to the public university to operate the program.
      5. 的 cost per credit hour for the course or courses in the program.
      6. 的 location where the course or courses in the program are held.
      7. Instructional resources offered to the program instructors.
      8. 资源 offered to the student in the program.
      9. Transportation services provided to students in the program.
  1. 的 Management 和 预算 Act, 1984 PA 431, Section 238, MCL 18.1238需要 biannual reporting of any self-funded projects that have a cost exceeding $1.0 million on the budget 和 performance transparency reporting section of the University’s website.

    If you have any questions or concerns about the accessibility of the content or documents on this page, 请浏览我们的 Public Accessibility Statement.


到9月30日, 2023, each public university receiving an appropriation in section 236 shall do both of the following:

  1. Submit a report to the house 和 senate appropriations subcommittees on higher education, the house 和 senate fiscal agencies, 和 the state budget director describing all federal funds the university received, 包括金额, related to the COVID-19 p和emic, 包括, 但不限于, any federal funds received from the coronavirus response 和 relief supplemental appropriations act, the American rescue plan act of 2021, 和 similar federal relief packages.
  2. 发布信息 contained in the report described in subdi愿景 (a) on the public transparency website described in section 245.

Student 和 Institutional Reporting of CARES Act funding received 和 distributed by 365英国上市官网 is available on the 学生财务服务 网络部分.