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Graham Health Center

408 Meadow Brook Road
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4452
(248) 370-2341
fax (248) 370-2691

24-hour RX refill:

(If your question is time sensitive, please call the office.)

上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.
Closed for lunch 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Graham Health Center

408 Meadow Brook Road
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4452
(248) 370-2341
fax (248) 370-2691

24-hour RX refill:

(If your question is time sensitive, please call the office.)

上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.
Closed for lunch 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

About the Graham Health Center


Monday through Friday - 8 a.m. 到5点.m.
Closed for lunch - 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.




Early in the fall and winter semesters are busy times, and parking lots near the main entrance fill quickly. During these busy times, 驾车人士可在先锋道及松鼠道的临时停车场泊车, 上场地和波利大厅对面的停车场(P-29). 看到 map 对的位置.

同时, walking is great physical activity. 如果你感觉很好,可以早点到,找到停车位,然后步行到GHC.



  • 根据密歇根州的法律,进入GHC必须戴上面罩.
  • 如果您没有口罩,请到前台领取.
  • 在提供者完成初步评估之前,访客不得进入检查室.
  • New patients, please visit our 病人门户 (请参阅我们的主页上的病人门户按钮)并更新您的个人信息, 上传一张你的保险卡正面和背面的图片, and health history. 您还需要在门户网站中下载、填写并上传患者注册表.
  • To bill your insurance, you 必须 provide a hard copy of your insurance card (front and back). 这可以通过门户网站提交(首选),也可以通过电子邮件或传真将图像发送到GHC (248) 370-2691.
  • To avoid a no show fee with our psychiatrist, please cancel your appointment at least 24 hours in advance.
  • 请阅读 Patient Rights and Responsibilities 来访前.
  • 所有在职和全日制开放大学学生以及来自邻近学院的学生.
  • 教职员工有工伤或生病时都有资格.

GHC承认并支持患者享有保密医疗服务的权利. 您的医疗信息的隐私对我们很重要,我们致力于保护它. 为了向您提供高质量的护理并遵守某些法律要求,有必要创建您在GHC获得的护理和服务的记录.

See Graham Health Center Notice of Privacy Practices for more information.

如果你年满18岁或已获得自由的未成年人(根据密歇根州法律定义为已婚), on active duty in the armed forces or by court order), 您的健康记录只有在您书面同意的情况下才会公布.

如果你年满16岁,所有与性有关的健康记录都是保密的. 这包括性传播感染、避孕和怀孕检测. 这些健康记录只有在您书面同意的情况下才会公布.

Request for medical records
  1. All requests for records must be submitted via the portal.
    1. 如果请求是针对您的,我们不需要发布信息.
    2. 如果请求需要发送到其他地方,则必须完成信息发布.
  2. Release of information for is available on the portal. The completed form can be uploaded directly into the portal.
  3. Please send a note in the portal when you have any requests.
Checklist for New Students


Immunizations, health examination and health history:

  • 在学生上大学之前,是否为他们做过全面的健康检查.
  • Update immunizations 之前 your student leaves for school. 新到365英国上市官网的学生应向格雷厄姆健康中心提供其完整免疫记录的正式副本. If you were born and raised in Michigan, 您可以创建一个帐户,并从 Michigan Care Improvement Registry. If you are not a local resident, 请与您的初级保健提供者联系,索取您的免疫记录副本.
  • Upload your immunization record to the Graham Health Center 病人门户 by sending a secure message with an attachment.
  • Make sure your student understands his/her health history. Log into the portal to enter your medical history. 这将节省未来预约的时间,并在您来预约时帮助我们了解您!
  • 学生应该有他们的处方记录,包括剂量和用药原因. 对于患有慢性/严重疾病的学生,应向GHC提供医生总结.
  • If your student is under 18 please complete the Consent to Treatment form and submit to GHC, and upload it to the 病人门户.


  • Update any prescription medications.
  • Arrange for a supply of medications to bring to school.
  • 你可在完成后,在GHC安排过敏注射 Allergy Injection Form.


  • 告诉你的健康保险公司你的学生将离开学校, 询问一下罗切斯特地区的覆盖率. 询问你的计划是否报销大学生健康中心的服务费用.
  • 提供保险卡或复印件(正反面),并鼓励学生随身携带.
  • 与你的学生讨论何时以及如何使用健康保险.

Graham Health and OU Counseling Center:

  • 与学生一起确定校园内可用的健康资源. 有关格雷厄姆健康中心和OU咨询中心的更多信息,请访问我们的网站.
  • 如果您认为您的孩子可能需要咨询服务,请致电公开大学咨询中心 之前 学校开始与心理学家交谈,甚至可能安排第一次约会.
  • 熟悉晚上和周末的应急资源.

Assemble a health care kit:

  • Provide your student with a container of band-aids, 对乙酰氨基酚, 布洛芬, 感冒药, digital thermometer and chemical cold pack.

Emergency preparedness:

  • Develop a crisis communication plan to stay in contact. Identify a meeting place, 以及本地呼叫区外的联系人(如果直接通信受到损害).

如果您对本网页内容或文件的可访问性有任何疑问或疑虑, 请浏览我们的 Public Accessibility Statement.

Mission and Vision


To provide high quality, 为365英国上市官网社区提供具有成本效益的医疗保健和健康教育.


成为一个容易获得的健康资源,使每个学生在思想上茁壮成长, body and spirit throughout their stay at the university. 我们帮助学生以最佳的健康状态进入他们生活的下一个阶段,并有能力充分发挥他们的潜力.


  • Provide health care
  • Provide health education
  • Promote disease prevention